
Welcome to Care PT of Pomona, where Dr. Eliav Dinewitz leads with a pioneering approach to scoliosis treatment in Pomona, NY. Our clinic is committed to offering an alternative to traditional surgical methods through non-invasive therapy tailored to each individual’s needs. Dr. Dinewitz, renowned for his passion and expertise in this field, firmly believes in the power of alternative treatments for scoliosis. His approach is not just about alleviating symptoms but focuses on a holistic recovery, aiming to improve quality of life without the complications associated with surgery. His dedication extends beyond treatment, aspiring to educate and raise awareness about these non-surgical options, making Care PT of Pomona a beacon for those seeking alternative scoliosis therapies.

Understanding Scoliosis: Symptoms and Non-Invasive Treatments

Scoliosis, a condition identifiable by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can manifest through various symptoms, impacting individuals differently. Catching these signs early can lead to more effective management and treatment options. Below are some indicators that you may struggle with scoliosis.

  • Symptoms of Scoliosis:
    • Uneven shoulders or waist
    • One hip higher than the other
    • Visible curve in the spine
    • Discomfort or pain in the back
    • Breathing difficulties, especially when the curvature of the spine affects lung capacity
    • Possible constipation due to spinal curvature affecting bowel function
    • Increased likelihood of allergies, particularly respiratory allergies like asthma or hay fever
    • Arthritis, especially in the curved areas of the spine or affected joints
    • Joint pain, often localized in the areas where the spine curves, such as the lower back or between the shoulder blades

At Care PT of Pomona, our approach to treating scoliosis diverges from conventional surgical methods. Instead, we focus on noninvasive therapies that offer numerous benefits. Noninvasive therapies do not require surgery or other treatments that require accessing or exposing any interior part of the body.

  • Non-Invasive Treatments Offered:
    • Customized physical therapy sessions
    • Specialized exercises to strengthen the spine
    • Techniques to improve posture and balance

Dr. Dinewitz’s method is grounded in the philosophy that non-surgical treatments can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional surgery. This approach minimizes risks associated with operations and promotes a holistic and less daunting recovery process for the patient. Our tailored programs address each patient’s unique needs, ensuring effective treatment enhances overall well-being and spinal health.

Expanding on the innovative approach at Care PT of Pomona demonstrates Dr. Eliav Dinewitz’s commitment to noninvasive scoliosis treatment, reshaping how we understand and manage this spinal condition. The focus on education, awareness, and personalized care empowers patients, allowing them to choose a treatment path that aligns with their lifestyle and health goals. At Care PT of Pomona, we are not just treating scoliosis; we are redefining the healing experience, providing a supportive environment where patients can thrive without the shadow of surgery.

Empowering Choices in Scoliosis Treatment

For those interested in exploring this transformative approach to scoliosis treatment, Dr. Dinewitz and the Care PT of Pomona team invite you to get in touch. Our clinic is at 2 Oak Ridge Court in Pomona, NY, 10970, United States, ready to support your path to better spinal health. Contact us at 516-220-5125 to learn more about how our non-invasive therapies can benefit you or your loved ones. Experience the difference that compassionate, informed care can make in your life.