Welcome to Care PT of Pomona, where Dr. Eliav Dinewitz and his team offer a groundbreaking approach to treating lordosis in Pomona, NY. With a strong belief in non-invasive therapy, our clinic stands out by providing personalized care that focuses on the root causes of lordosis, aiming to improve posture and reduce discomfort without resorting to surgical interventions. 

Dr. Dinewitz, renowned for his innovative methods and dedication to patient education, believes in empowering individuals with knowledge and alternative treatment options. His commitment to non-surgical solutions addresses not just the physical aspects of lordosis but also enhances the overall well-being of his patients, making Care PT of Pomona a premier destination for those seeking effective, non-invasive treatment options.

Understanding Lordosis: Symptoms and Non-Invasive Management

Lordosis is a condition diagnosed by identifying an excessive inward curvature of the spine. This curvature can produce discomfort and a range of mobility issues. Identifying the symptoms early is vital to managing and treating the condition effectively. Some of the indicators of lordosis include the following:

  • Symptoms of Lordosis:
    • Noticeable arch in the lower back
    • Discomfort or pain in the lumbar region
    • Limited flexibility in the spine
    • Postural issues, such as a forward tilt of the pelvis
    • Difficulty breathing deeply or fully due to reduced lung capacity
    • Chronic constipation or difficulty with bowel movements
    • Increased susceptibility to allergies, especially respiratory allergies like asthma or hay fever
    • Arthritis, particularly in the spine or affected joints
    • Joint pain, especially in the lower back, hips, or knees

At Care PT of Pomona, our treatment philosophy for lordosis centers around non-invasive therapies that aim to strengthen the spine, improve flexibility, and correct postural imbalances. These treatments do not require surgical procedures, eliminating scarring and working holistically with the whole body.

  • Non-Invasive Treatments Offered:
    • Tailored physical therapy programs
    • Posture correction techniques and ergonomic assessments

Your recovery may include re-training the core to help hold and stabilize the corrected anatomical position. Our clinic advocates for these alternative therapies as they not only address the symptoms of lordosis but also contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle without the risks and downtime associated with surgical procedures. Our clinic is equipped with leading tools and techniques designed to offer the most effective treatment plans customized to meet the needs of each individual.

Dr. Eliav Dinewitz and Care PT of Pomona are pioneering innovative, non-invasive treatment options for lordosis. Our clinic is changing how lordosis is treated by emphasizing the benefits of a holistic approach, patient education, and personalized care. We understand that every individual’s condition is unique, and our team is committed to delivering the support and expertise necessary to improve spinal health and posture. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of non-invasive treatments for conditions like lordosis, it’s time to experience what Dr. Dinewitz can do for you.

Making a Difference in Lordosis Care

For those seeking alternatives to surgery for lordosis, we invite you to discover the comprehensive care offered at Care PT of Pomona. Our clinic, located at 2 Oak Ridge Court in Pomona, NY, 10970, United States, guides you through your treatment options and supports your health goals. Contact us at 516-220-5125 to learn more about our non-invasive therapies and how they can benefit you or your loved ones. Let us help you take the first step towards a more comfortable and active life, free from the constraints of lordosis.